VMaxCalendar Applet

This applet is designed to convert Julian calendar dates to Gregorian calendar dates and conversely. Applet supports an unlimited number of civil calendars with a specified transition date from Julian to Gregorian calendar systems. In addition the calendar calculates Julian Day Numbers for a given date.

This Calendar is only applicable to the countries with Julian/Gregorian calendar systems. In the menu for countries which used other calendars systems prior adopting the Gregorian calendar the special note (after yy/mm/dd) is used. Prior to this date the calendar isn't applicable.

One should keep in mind that many countries prior to adopting the Gregorian calendar had New Year on different dates. As for example, England has it on March,25. This applet DOESN'T take into account this differences, assuming New Year always starts on January,1.

Many countries had different dates of adopting Gregorian Calendar on the different territories. For many countries the exact date doesn't exist at all, both dating systems was in use at the same time.

Also the calendar does not take into account the date of adopting of the Julian Calendar, any date prior transition to Gregorian calendar supposed to be a Julian calendar date.

This page is not devoted to Calendar studies, but to the technical description of the applet, so for further references and links, please visit CalendarLand, which is a great collection of calendar related resources.

Special thanks to Toke Norby for help with transition dates corrections. He is researching correct Transition Dates which you can find on his page and use in this applet.

Applet Tag Example:

<APPLET CODE="vmaxcalendar.class" WIDTH=240 HEIGHT=260>
 VALUE="Virtual_Max (http://come.to/vmax)">
<PARAM NAME="KEY"          VALUE="Free Version">

Pope Gregory XIII          | 1582/10/04  |
Julian                     | 4001/01/01  |
Gregorian                  |-4001/01/01  |
-----------------          | 1582/10/04  |
Alaska                     | 1867/10/18  |
Albania                    | 1912/12/01  |
American Colonies          | 1752/09/02  |
Austria                    | 1583/10/16  |
Belgium                    | 1582/12/15  |
Bulgaria                   | 1916/03/18  |
China   (after 1911/12/19) | 1911/12/18  |
Czechoslovakia             | 1584/01/07  |
Denmark (including Norway) | 1700/02/18  |
Egypt                      | 1875/01/01  |
Estonia                    | 1918/12/31  |
Finland                    | 1573/02/17  |
France                     | 1582/12/09  |
F?roe Islands (Danish)     | 1700/11/16  |
German States  (1583/02/14)| 1583/02/14  |
               (1583/10/05)| 1583/10/05  |
               (1583/10/06)| 1583/10/06  |
               (1583/11/03)| 1583/11/03  |
               (1583/11/04)| 1583/11/04  |
               (1583/11/05)| 1583/11/05  |
               (1583/11/12)| 1583/11/12  |
               (1583/11/17)| 1583/11/17  |
               (1584/01/07)| 1583/01/07  |
               (1584/01/13)| 1583/01/13  |
               (1584/07/02)| 1583/07/02  |
               (1585/01/17)| 1585/01/17  |
    Prussia    (1610/08/23)| 1610/08/23  |
               (1631/03/15)| 1631/03/15  |
    Protestant (1700/02/18)| 1700/02/18  |
Great Britain and Dominions| 1752/09/02  |
Greece                     | 1924/03/09  |
Hungary                    | 1587/10/22  |
Iceland (Danish)           | 1700/11/16  |
Italy                      | 1582/10/04  |
Japan   (after 1918/12/18) | 1918/12/18  |
Latvia                     | 1915/01/01  |
Lithuania                  | 1915/01/01  |
Luxembourg                 | 1582/12/15  |
Netherlands (Catholic)     | 1582/15/10  | 
            (Protestant)   | 1699/11/31  |
Poland                     | 1582/10/05  |
Portugal                   | 1582/10/05  |
Romania                    | 1919/03/31  |
Russia                     | 1918/01/31  |
Spain                      | 1582/10/05  |
Sweeden (including Finland)| 1753/02/17  |
Switzerland  (1584/01/12)  | 1584/01/12  |
             (1701/01/01)  | 1700/12/31  |
Turkey   (after 1926/12/18)| 1926/12/18  |
Yugoslavia                 | 1919/01/01  |
UK                         | 1752/09/02  |
USA                        | 1752/09/02  |">
NOTE: No warranties on accuracy of date conversions and on the accuracy of calendar transition dates.